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XA_GradientFillH function

XBase programming language in english
Mensajes: 177
Registrado: Mar Oct 16, 2007 11:53 pm

XA_GradientFillH function

Mensaje por Roberto »

first, sorry if I'm asking too much, but I have no other source to solve my
I whould like to fill a tbevel with a gradient and put a label inside it.
I tried to use the function XA_GradientFillH with the events paint and painted
of the tbevel, but the label does not apear.
Can you show me any simple example?
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XA_GradientFillH function

Mensaje por jfgimenez »

Sorry for the delay.
> first, sorry if I'm asking too much, but I have no other source to solve
> my
> doubts.
Don't worry. Feel free to ask anything, but please, use the appropiate
forum, that is local.xailer.english or local.xailer.spanish in this same
> I whould like to fill a tbevel with a gradient and put a label inside it.
> I tried to use the function XA_GradientFillH with the events paint and
> painted
> of the tbevel, but the label does not apear.
> Can you show me any simple example?
Attached is a simple sample that shows how to use the event OnPainted to
draw a gradient.
Jose F. Gimenez

Attached files (1.9 KB)Â
José F. Giménez
[Equipo de Xailer / Xailer team]
Mensajes: 177
Registrado: Mar Oct 16, 2007 11:53 pm

XA_GradientFillH function

Mensaje por Roberto »

Hi, Jose
Tks again.
I whould like to use this sample with a TExplorerBar, but the TOptionList does show correctly.
Any idea?
btw, xailer 2.5 is working very fine!