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harbour32setup9.exe seems to be missing the mingw32-gcc.exe compiler

Xailer professional forum in English
Mensajes: 125
Registrado: Lun May 16, 2011 6:06 pm

harbour32setup9.exe seems to be missing the mingw32-gcc.exe compiler

Mensaje por DC »

Edit: I was able to update Xailer 9 (to 9.01) at home, and I think it's a matter of pointing the Mingw folders to C:\Xailer9\Hb32\comp\mingw at the office. I think I pointed it to C:\Xailer9\Hb32\mingw.

Will check back in tomorrow, after trying this.



After I install Xailer 9.01 in the c:\xailer9 folder, I then run harbour32setup9.exe to install in the c:\xailer9\hb32 folder.

But when I try to compile a project, it says that

File not found: 'mingw32-gcc.exe'
0 Files, 0 Warnings, 1 Errors
Compile time: 0.00s Link time: 0s Total time: 0.02s

A global search for mingw*.exe shows only


There does seem to be some 64 bit Mingw executables, like

Mensajes: 125
Registrado: Lun May 16, 2011 6:06 pm

Re: harbour32setup9.exe seems to be missing the mingw32-gcc.exe compiler

Mensaje por DC »

Everything is fine, after pointing to the ../comp/Mingw folder.