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TBmpBtn no image / designer removes

Xailer English public forum
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TBmpBtn no image / designer removes

Mensaje por Hurricane »


TBtnBmp does not display file image (does not assign oBitmaps)
After selecting the file (in the application folder) with the assistant, it does not display in the designer, the oBitmaps property is empty.

Will display when:
enter the absolute path of the image (in the assistant or property) or;
edit the XFM :oBitmaps:="btn_gravar.bmp", compile and run, but if you change something in the designer, the property is lost.

TImage works: :oPicture := "BTN_GRAVAR.bmp"

Do you have any alternative?

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Re: TBmpBtn no image / designer removes

Mensaje por Hurricane »

I attached a project.
If you compile and run it will display the image. Because I inserted a in XFM: :oBitmaps:="BMP_OK.bmp"
If you change the form, eg insert a label and save. The property will oBitmaps will be removed.

I did a temporary trick, When the form is automatically generated, I write it to another property that is read at runtime.
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Re: TBmpBtn no image / designer removes

Mensaje por jfgimenez »


I've just tested it here, and it works fine. I've assigned the oBitmaps property by using the file directly, not from resources, and every time I reopen the project it keeps showing the image
José F. Giménez
[Equipo de Xailer / Xailer team]
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Re: TBmpBtn no image / designer removes

Mensaje por Hurricane »


the image is not displayed in the designer and the property will be removed (...)

video to demonstrate (Facebook/Xailer)
jfgimenez escribió: Jue Mar 02, 2023 8:57 pm I've just tested it here, and it works fine. I've assigned the oBitmaps property by using the file directly, not from resources, and every time I reopen the project it keeps showing the image
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Re: TBmpBtn no image / designer removes

Mensaje por jfgimenez »


it's fixed now. Thanks for your report. It will be available in the next Xailer release.

Meanwhile, you may open the project by double clicking on the .xpj file, instead of opening the IDE before. This way it works.
José F. Giménez
[Equipo de Xailer / Xailer team]
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Registrado: Mar Mar 24, 2015 10:21 am
Ubicación: Brasil

Re: TBmpBtn no image / designer removes

Mensaje por Hurricane »

Hi José,
jfgimenez escribió: Vie Mar 03, 2023 5:48 pm it's fixed now. Thanks for your report. It will be available in the next Xailer release.
yes I know. I have other installations (shown in the video), another version that would open the project.
jfgimenez escribió: Vie Mar 03, 2023 5:48 pm Meanwhile, you may open the project by double clicking on the .xpj file, instead of opening the IDE before. This way it works.
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