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tEditBtn like tSearchComboBox

Xailer English public forum
Maarten Roos
Mensajes: 126
Registrado: Lun Mar 29, 2010 10:24 am

tEditBtn like tSearchComboBox

Mensaje por Maarten Roos »

Dear all,
I am looking for the best way to get the tEdit(Btn) search like tSearchCombo does?

So when you type it already is showing the first match it found.
I need a little push in the right direction or a sample. I tried already with OnChar, OnKeyUp,OnChange events, but they were not working properly due to :nPos not working or me not getting the right value of :nPos.
Many thanks in advantage...
Maarten Roos
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tEditBtn like tSearchComboBox

Mensaje por jfgimenez »

> I am looking for the best way to get the tEdit(Btn) search
> like tSearchCombo does?
why not use a TSearchCombo then? ;-)
> So when you type it already is showing the first match it
> found.
> I need a little push in the right direction or a sample. I
> tried already with OnChar, OnKeyUp,OnChange events, but they
> were not working properly due to :nPos not working or me not
> getting the right value of :nPos.
Well, the full source code of TSearchCombobox is in
xailersamplescontrols. You may study it. However, you could put here
a sample of what you are doing in order to help you better.
Jose F. Gimenez
José F. Giménez
[Equipo de Xailer / Xailer team]
Mensajes: 926
Registrado: Sab Dic 25, 2010 11:10 pm

tEditBtn like tSearchComboBox

Mensaje por jlalin »

I wrote this code many time ago and it may need some fixes to work with
latest Xailer releases.
José Lalí­n