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Se encontraron 177 coincidencias

por Roberto
Lun Ene 01, 2007 3:22 pm
Foro: English
Tema: event at run-time
Respuestas: 2
Vistas: 1592

event at run-time

I have a tfolder control. When the user select another tab I whould like to
do some work.
how can I do that??
por Roberto
Dom Dic 31, 2006 10:58 pm
Foro: English
Tema: TDdbfBrowse:SetDbf()
Respuestas: 4
Vistas: 2096


Hi, I'm already using xHarbour (from and my programs works fine but I intend to move to really OOP world. I'm try to use the TDbfBrowse class but I can't understand how I can define the dbf file it should use or how I can add a new column to the browse. The only way to do that is using...