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Folder Explorer TreeView ....

Xailer English public forum
Mensajes: 384
Registrado: Mar May 01, 2007 5:49 pm

Folder Explorer TreeView ....

Mensaje por ChrisGillard »

Hi, I am wanting to use a Folder Explorer TreeView to embed in a form .... very similar to the one in Xailer Dbf Explorer.

I am trying to not use a Folder Dialog or an ActiveX.

I have looked at the xailer\samples but cannot see anything similar to use as a start.

Does anyone have a piece of code that might save me doing it totally myself?

Any help would be appreciated.

Folder TreeView.png
Folder TreeView.png (25.02 KiB) Visto 3134 veces
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Re: Folder Explorer TreeView ....

Mensaje por ignacio »

ChrisGillard escribió:Hi, I am wanting to use a Folder Explorer TreeView to embed in a form .... very similar to the one in Xailer Dbf Explorer.

I am trying to not use a Folder Dialog or an ActiveX.

I have looked at the xailer\samples but cannot see anything similar to use as a start.

Does anyone have a piece of code that might save me doing it totally myself?

Any help would be appreciated.
From the DBF editor:

Código: Seleccionar todo

METHOD LoadFiles( cDir ) CLASS TFrmMain

   LOCAL oItem
   LOCAL cExt

   IF ::oComboBox1:cText == "ADSADT"
      cExt := "ADT"
      cExt := "DBF"

   UPDATE ::cDir TO cDir

   Application:lbusy := .t.


   IF !Empty( ::cDir )
      oItem := ::oTree:AddItem( ::cDir, 1, 1, .t. )
      AddTables( oItem, ::cDir, cExt, ::cPerExt )

   IF ::oTree:GetCount() > 0

   IF ::oDataSource == NIL

   Application:lbusy := .f.


STATIC FUNCTION AddTables( oParent, cDir, cExt, cPerExt )

   LOCAL oItem
   LOCAL aDir, aFile
   LOCAL cFile

   // First we load files

   aDir := Directory( cDir + "\*." + cExt )

   Asort( aDir,,,{|x,y| Upper( x[ 1 ] ) < Upper( y[ 1 ] ) } )

   FOR EACH aFile IN aDir
      cFile := aFile[ F_NAME ]
      WITH OBJECT oParent:AddItem( cFile, 2, 2 )
         :Cargo := cDir + "\" + cFile
      END WITH

   IF !Empty( cPerExt )
      aDir := Directory( cDir + "\*." + cPerExt )
      Asort( aDir,,,{|x,y| Upper( x[ 1 ] ) < Upper( y[ 1 ] ) } )

      FOR EACH aFile IN aDir
         cFile := aFile[ F_NAME ]
         WITH OBJECT oParent:AddItem( cFile, 2, 2 )
            :Cargo := cDir + "\" + cFile
         END WITH

   // Then we load directories

   aDir := Directory( cDir + "\*.*", "D" )
   Asort( aDir,,,{|x,y| Upper( x[ 1 ] ) < Upper( y[ 1 ] ) } )

   FOR EACH aFile IN aDir
      cFile := aFile[ F_NAME ]
      IF "D" $ aFile[ F_ATTR ] .AND. cFile != "." .AND. cFile != ".."
         WITH OBJECT oParent:AddItem( cFile, 3, 3 )
            AddTables( :__WithObject(), cDir + "\" + cFile, cExt )
         END WITH

Ignacio Ortiz de Zúñiga
[Equipo de Xailer / Xailer team]
Mensajes: 384
Registrado: Mar May 01, 2007 5:49 pm

Re: Folder Explorer TreeView ....

Mensaje por ChrisGillard »

Hi Ignacio,

Thank you very much for the code ... it is already looking very nice with some famfamfam icons.
01-06-2017 16-59-24.png
01-06-2017 16-59-24.png (9.99 KiB) Visto 3079 veces
Much appreciated.
