Web service

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Mensajes: 30
Registrado: Mié May 13, 2020 6:45 pm

Web service

Mensaje por cfuentes »

Hi Dear, I'm working on a web service, but when I send the POST it's redirected to an unwanted site and I want to redirect it, make a Redirect or a follow redirect to False and I have not been successful. Does anyone know how to set the False Redirect option True or False? Any recommendation, please.

Thanks in advance, below the code used:

cProducts += ']'
cBody := '{"products":' + cProducts + ','
cBody += '"external_verifications":[{"type":"NATIONAL_IDENTITY_CARD","value":"' + '' + aResponseText["patient_document_number"] + '"}], "currency_code":"DOP"}'
cWebService := "https://sandbox.osigu.com/dispensing/v1/documents/"
cWebService += ::oPreautoriza:Value + "/dispensations"
oHttp := CreateObject( "WinHTTP.WinHttpRequest.5.1" )
//oHttp := CreateObject( "MSXML2.XMLHTTP" )
oHttp:open( "POST", cWebService, .F.)
oHttp:SetRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json")
oHttp:SetRequestHeader("authorization", &cToken)

oHttp:Option(6, .F.) // Aqui trato de hacer el Redirect, pero no me funciona

oHttp:send( cBody ) //Buscar como obtener la respuesta del reclamo generado, antes de consumir el location.
cResponseText := oHttp:getResponseHeader('Location')

Carlos Fuentes